
CSS Comments

While at work, I was presented with a seemingly mundane bug. I had supplied another co-worker with some CSS overrides to apply to a stylesheet. He responded saying my first two overrides didn’t work, but the last two operated correctly.

// sidebar card-header darkening
.sidebar .card-header {

// card-header font darken
.dash-sidebar .dash-sidenav>li>.sidebar.card>.card-header>.btn-link>a, .dash-sidebar .links-menu>li>.sidebar.card>.card-header>.btn-link>a {
color: rgb(74, 74, 74) !important // enables override of single-graph view styles

// alternatively, for the single-graph view font
.graphView #sidebar .sidebar>.card-header>.btn-link>a, .dash-sidebar span, a {
color: rgb(74,74,74)

.dash-sidebar .dash-sidenav>li>.sidebar.category-select>.panel-collapse>.panel-body, .dash-sidebar .links-menu>li>.sidebar.category-select>.panel-collapse>.panel-body {
background-color: #f1f1f1

Most people familiar with CSS probably know that /* */ is the correct comment form. I was aware that was a correct comment, but I did not know that I could not use // as a single line comment. Why is that not valid, and why did the last two work correctly?

Well, the most obvious reason is that it’s not defined in the specs, but what happens when a single line comment is used unknowingly? Well, the current specs describe the token consumation looking for a solidus / followed immediately by an asterisk *. The comment then ends in reverse order */. This particular token consumation returns nothing.

Now when we have two solidi //, the tokenizer doesn’t seem to treat it as (anything)[https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#consume-token] other than a delim-token with a value of the previous input code point (a unicode code point). It appears this causes undefined behavior based on what was the preceding, valid code point.

I assume the first

 // sidebar card-header darkening
 .sidebar .card-header {

failed because it was immediately appended to the stylesheet with no blank lines, and the preceding code point was valid CSS, thus causing a parse error to follow. The second

 // card-header font darken
 .dash-sidebar .dash-sidenav>li>.sidebar.card>.card-header>.btn-link>a, .dash-sidebar .links-menu>li>.sidebar.card>.card-header>.btn-link>a {
 color: rgb(74, 74, 74) !important // enables override of single-graph view styles

failed due to the single line comment following the important keyword, and resulting in a parse error.

How did the third one not fail though? My guess is because the preceding code point was a newline, so the CSS parser simply ignored that single line comment as a continuation of the newline code point. Obviously the fourth one worked because there were no comments.